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B. toffee Giveaway


Our favorite toffee comes from B. toffee, and it's handcrafted right here in OC. Owner Betsy Thagard makes her toffee with only the finest, freshest and most natural ingredients, from savory butters, to premium Guittard and Callebaut chocolates. Her delectable toffee is the perfect gift for any occasion and makes for great corporate gifts for the upcoming holiday season.

B. toffee can be purchased online at [url=][/url], but one lucky Greer's OC reader has the opportunity to win a deluxe gift basket from B. toffee! Simply LIKE Greer's OC and B. toffee on Facebook to qualify. We’ll randomly select the winner on Friday.


Shatner’s World


For one night only, television and movie icon William Shatner will perform his solo show  “Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It” at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts on January 17, at 7:30 p.m. For 90-minutes Shatner will entertain attendees by taking them on a journey through his life and career, from his role of Captain James Kirk on “Star Trek,” Shakespearean stage actor, and works in other shows and films.

Tickets starts at $45, and VIP tickets are available which include a meet and greet with William Shatner, and photo opportunity.

Segerstrom Center for the Arts is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. 714.556.2787

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